April 10, 2020


Spring is here! And in Texas, that’s not the only thing floating around in the air. It’s only taken me approximately 27 years to realize that I may not fair too well with the pollen count. I legit thought I was sick for all of those years… every Spring. Here’s to learning more about myself and how to deal with this new seasonal discovery of mine! If you’re in need of some seasonal support, TRUST ME on this one.


1. Add essential oils to roller bottle.

2. Top with carrier oil (like, jojoba or rosehip).

3. Secure roller ball top & gently shake.

3. Roll on temples, forehead, behind ears, and down lymph nodes. You can also roll into palm of hands, cup and inhale for easy breathing.

avoid eyes as peppermint is a “hot” oil


10 ml glass roller bottle

15 drops Lavender oil

15 drops Lemon oil

15 drops Peppermint oil

Jojoba oil